Scholarship Resources and Plan

Gamma-Rho Scholarships

Gamma-Rho wants to improve in all areas annually, but at a minimum with these:
Barnes Scholarship
Bobbe Scholarship (2)
Bologna Scholarship (all who meet the live-in & GPA above All-Mens)
Bononia Docet Scholarship
Cagalj Scholarship
Elner Scholarship
Finger Scholarship
Gamma-Rho Scholarship (2)
HABBJACH Scholarship
High School Senior Leadership Scholarship (numerous)
KS Endowment Fund Leadership Scholarship|
Larson Scholarship
Lytle Scholarship
Macia Scholarship
Noble Scholarship
Non-Member Campus Leader Scholarship
Parent Club Scholarship (2)
Top Pledge Scholarship (2)
UA Fannin-Stoff Scholarship
Whaley Scholarship
Wicart Scholarship (2)


Scholarship Programming

Gamma-Rho’s vision is to have a GPA above the All-Men’s GPA and to remain in the top 5 fraternities on campus year to year.

Questions to consider:

•  Why should our new member and overall chapter GPA be above the All-Men’s GPA?
•  Why should we recruit new members with higher GPA standard than the Kappa Sigma and UA standard?
•  What types of programming should we add to our scholarship programming?


•  Incoming freshmen or Junior College/Other University transfers must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Those below that but above a 3.00 may be pledged if they have a letter of recommendation and they demonstrate excellence in leadership and/or service.
•  Current UA students must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher. Those below that but above 2.75 may be pledged if they have a letter of recommendation and they demonstrate excellence in leadership and/or service.
•  Chapter officers or committee chairs must have a UA GPA of 3.0 or higher.
•  Big brothers must have a UA GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Those living in the Chapter House must have a UA GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Scholarship Programming

•  Weekly gift card raffle for all that can prove an “A” on a paper, presentation or test.
•  Manage an excel document with name, year in school, email, cell phone, major, last semester GPA, Cumm. GPA, areas need tutoring in, and areas can tutor in (distribute the list minus grades to everyone)
•  Require all pledges and members on academic probation to share their syllabus for each class as well complete grade checks bi-weekly
•  Have tutor days with members or Think Tank tutors that we pay for
•  Have quiet hour times at the Chapter House
•  Require semester meeting with Academic, Career, Engagement & Leadership Advisor
•  Take new members on a tour through the Career Center and review the Career Center website as well as chapter career network
•  Post a calendar online and in the Chapter House with important academic dates
•  Post on our website as well as in the Chapter House all scholarships that are available 
•  Promote campus honoraria’s
•  Have scholarship award winner plaques for all the scholarships we award
•  Display chapter GPA graphs and how we compare to All-Men’s, All-Women’s, All-Fraternity, All-Sorority averages, as well as a ranking list with other fraternities 
•  Have a Big Brother-Little Brother semester grade competition and top 5 teams do a steak dinner or something
•  Offer a $100 gift card to the top 5 most improved grades each semester
•  Consider some of these awards as well: scholarships to top pledge and new initiate GPA’s, most improved GPA, I’ll get a Life Later Award (always studying), top active GPA, best tutor, etc.
•  Develop a scholarship probation plan for members with GPA’s below 2.75 and have class progress sheets
•  Present these workshops: how to take notes, how to prepare for a test, how to manage your time, Honors Program, and Think Tank
•  Review grade requirements
•  Have a Kappa Sigma Sweetheart program that includes a dinner and scholarship winner
•  Have career panels
•  Send letters to parents of academic achievers
•  Ask a sorority to host a scholarship dinner for all members who have a cumm. GPA of 3.25 or higher
•  Recognize all students who are 3.0 or higher at the Homecoming/Hall of Fame dinner
•  Steak dinner for the whole chapter if the overall GPA is 3.3 or higher
•  Continue to give 10-15 scholarships to incoming freshmen to help recruit achievers