It was almost a foregone conclusion that Ed Truman would end up as a member of the Gamma-Rho Chapter of Kappa Sigma at U of A. After all, his father, Judge William Charles Truman (’24, Chapter Celestial) and older brother, Thomas C. Truman ’57, were already members.
As an undergraduate, Ed was involved both with the chapter and the University. He served on the EC, as well as on the Inter-fraternity Council, captained several intramural teams, served as Student Senator from the College of Business, worked as a salesperson for the Daily Wildcat newspaper and was a member of Bobcats Senior Men’s Honorary. In his spare time, he completed his B.S. in Finance in 1971 and graduated from law school in 1974.
Brother Truman currently serves as Special Counsel to the Office of the Arizona Attorney General. In his 31 years there, Ed has also served as Assistant Attorney General in Protective Services and Environment Enforcement Sections of that Office and has served as Chief Counsel for various Divisions and Sections including the Criminal Division, Children and Family Protection Division, the Environmental Enforcement Section, and the Protective Services Section.
For his efforts, Ed has received the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s Medal for Outstanding Performance, (the EPA’s highest award for non-Federal employees) and is the recipient of a number of meritorious service and accomplishment awards from Attorneys General Bob Corbin, Grant Woods, Janet Napolitano and Tom Horne.
Ed has also served as a Deputy Pima County Attorney in Tucson. After graduation from law school, Ed started his own firm, the Law Offices of Edward B. Truman, followed by a partnership at Truman and Beers with offices in Tucson and Oracle, Arizona.
Ed has been active in the community, he is currently a Director and Vice President of the Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Foundation Board which provides scholarships and grants and supports a variety of children and youth programs. He has been recognized for his contribution to the Torch Run for Special Olympics.
Ed’s service on boards and commissions has included the Arizona Supreme Court’s Commission on the Courts Children’s Justice Act Task Force, the Governor’s Advisory Council on Children, the Governor’s Advisory Commission on CPS Reform, the Underground Storage Tank Policy Commission, and Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund Advisory Board. He has also contributed to the following publications: The Legal Directory of Children’s Rights, Arizona Juvenile Law, Arizona Appellate Handbook, Arizona Environmental Law Manual and Joint Protocols for the Investigation of Child Abuse for the State of Arizona and participating counties.
Ed reports: “Being a member of Kappa Sigma was an important step for me in becoming the person I am today. In many ways it helped me achieve whatever successes I’ve had. When I look back to my days on campus, I think of friends, fellowship, fun, accomplishments, maturing and service.”