Dr. Isaac Martinez currently works at Cigna Healthcare where he is the National Senior Medical Director for Inpatient Trend Management and Core Case Management. Brother Martinez has spent just over nine years with Cigna and has also worked as a Medical spokesman for Cigna and in doing so, he has been on three Good Morning America Cigna Health and Wellness tours across the country. Outside of his direct profession, Dr. Martinez is a member of the Board of Directors for the Association for Vascular Access, March of Dimes, The Aperture Project, and has volunteered for too many organizations to list!
During his years in Tucson during his undergraduate career, Brother Martinez spent time as the Gamma-Rho Philanthropy Co-Chair, a Student Health Services Counselor, was a member of Order of Omega, Greek Honor Society and was awarded Student Health Promotion and Preventive Services Outstanding Volunteer Service award. After receiving his bachelor’s degree from UofA in 1994, Brother Martinez stayed local and received his Doctorate of Medicine from the UofA College of Medicine.
Since graduating UofA, Brother Martinez has stayed well involved in both Gamma-Rho and in his local community. Within Gamma-Rho Isaac has recently volunteered as both the Gamma-Rho Health and Wellness Advisor and is a member of the Educational Foundation Board. Professionally, Dr. Martinez has spent time on a number of committees within hospitals in Phoenix. In addition to his medical career with Cigna, Dr. Martinez lectures and precepts courses within the UofA’s College of Medicine.
To Isaac, Gamma-Rho and Kappa Sigma mean, “Brotherhood and lifelong friendships. Nearly all of my closest friends came from my fraternity years and have been a part of all important aspects of my life. I hope I have been there for them and had their back as much as they have had mine through the years. This is also where I first learned the important traits that make a great leader and my time in the fraternity undoubtedly led to my further success in life. Brotherhood and lifelong friendships.”
Brother Martinez resides in Phoenix with his wife Jennifer. His son Ian is a pre-med student at ASU and his daughter Olivia is in high school.